What Have I Gotten Myself Into…

I biked all the way home from work once, so I know that part’s possible. Theoretically I can get to work too, and there’s this bike challenge coming up that I want to actually be putting in miles for… So I decided to try this whole biking all the way to work thing. But that’s nine and a half miles, and more importantly, that’s over 800 feet of elevation change, so it’s the sort of thing you work up to. But I made the mistake of telling the team captain of the bike challenge that I’m planning on working up to this crazy commute/daily workout… and then he so kindly announced to the entire staff this morning that I’m going to be biking all the way to and from work every day. I guess I’m committed now…

I am a Badass

In that my ass hurts real bad. But also in that I just did the impossible! I biked from Portland to Beaverton. The most direct route seems to be nine miles, but it doesn’t have very good bike lanes, and it’s a bit hillier, so I took the nine and a half mile route. And you thought my 7-8 mile commute was bad…. At least that was much flatter. My glutes already miss that hill from 24th and Burnside up to the Japanese Garden.